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Once you've created a Storyboard in Digital Scrapbook, you can easily save it by exporting it. When you export a Storyboard, your Storyboard is saved as a movie file on your PC.
To export a Storyboard, click on File on the file menu bar and select Export Storyboard, or click on the Export Storyboard button at the bottom of the screen. The Export Storyboard window will open.
You can choose the size and file format of your movie file.
Both the exporting time and the size of the movie file will depend on the format you select and the number and duration of items in the Storyboard.
Note: If your computer does not have Windows Media installed, you can download from Microsoft's website.
To email the movie file, check the box next to "E-mail exported storyboard file?". This will save the movie file to your computer's hard drive and open a new message in your e-mail software with the movie file attached.
Once you have selected your option for exporting, click on the Export button to continue. Depending on the size of the file, exporting may take several minutes. Once you click on Export, you may cancel the exporting process at any time.